Stone Horse Green

Stone Horse Green is intended to be a year-round destination for all ages in the heart of downtown Middleton.

Middleton, Wisconsin

Saiki Design worked with the City of Middleton and led a multidisciplinary team in a highly interactive community design process to formulate a vision for a new public open space in the heart of the rapidly redeveloping and increasingly active downtown.  The project team facilitated a multi-media approach to a lengthy public engagement process targeted at understanding the community’s overall goals and visions for the project and assimilating all the input into a cohesive, inclusive reflection of the stakeholders’ hopes and dreams for the space. Plan renderings, three-dimensional models, online surveys and video animations were crafted to solicit public feedback and to garner support for the project.

The final design for the plaza evokes a mix between the historic context of the site’s use as a livery stable and the emerging vibrancy of the area. A fully accessible recessed central lawn is embraced by stone planters that define and buffer the central space from surrounding streets.  A performance band shell with public restrooms, interactive light sculpture, horse-themed seating sculptures with heated seating and fire features to encourage winter use all contribute to the unique and community-centric nature of the space. Stone Horse Green is intended to be a year-round destination for all ages in the heart of downtown Middleton.

The project was honored with a Merit award from the Wisconsin Chapter ASLA

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